Audio Lessons + Detailed Editable Workbook

Teach The TK Way™

5 Part Planning Challenge

Actionable ideas to help you get started planning your early ed or primary lessons. The Challenge is designed as a quick-step foundation to walk you through the transformation of creating a child-led plan.

The same plan that helped save my sanity. You can take your time to implement the strategies as you feel ready- but the quicker you get to streamline your lessons the faster you'll feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

Do you struggle with behavior management in your classroom?

Let's talk about how planning for a child-led space can actually help you.

Behavior is just a child's way of communicating. So we need to read between the lines.

Many times you'll hear play is the only way. Or you'll hear standards must be covered.


Play-based (hands-on) learning is not a free-for-all for students.

Done right it is intentional and age-appropriate. And when we think of it as hands-on it sits better with admin and parents.

Do you struggle with behavior management in your classroom?

Let's talk about how planning for a child-led space can actually help you.

Behavior is just a child's way of communicating. So we need to read between the lines.

Many times you'll hear play is the only way. Or you'll hear standards must be covered.


Play-based (hands-on) learning is not a free-for-all for students.

Done right it is intentional and age-appropriate. And when we think of it as hands-on it sits better with admin and parents.


You could create a classroom that runs like a well-oiled machine- one that relies on flexible structure, where the students have the autonomy needed to grow but also know that there are expectations. A place where substitutes and paras can come in and be successful because everyone knows the routine.


Knowing you will reach ALL students because you have intentional activities that promote community inclusion from year to year. No more trying to fit the students into the space, the classroom will instead mold to the current roster. Gone are the days of falling back on outdated ideas because they seem easy.


To become a classroom management guru WITHOUT behavior charts, treasure boxes, or external motivators.

Instead, begin offering DAP activities and opportunities that support all students, from the sensory seekers to the introverts and everyone in between.

5 Day Overview

Self paced lessons where you can tackle the challenge all at once or over time. The structure is up to you!


unpack non-negotiables and get requirements organized


community inclusion incorporates all children


combining play and your current curriculum requirements


getting comfortable, coming up with a plan


provocations, printables, and plans

Hi friend, nice to meet you...

Tina here (Kristina if we are being formal about where the K in TK comes from).

I’m a nature-loving, self-proclaimed creepy crawlie lover (except for snakes and spiders, IYKYK), 26-year retired Classroom Teacher, certified Early Education Mentor, and Natural Classroom Specialist™.

Known for my love of letting the children play in order to exceed program standards, I cannot wait to share with you!

~O. Fred Donaldson

“Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play, children learn how to learn. ”


Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do I Have To Complete The Material?

Your purchase comes with evergreen access to the content. However, I recommend tackling it as soon as you are able. I just want you to be able to relax faster than ever this year!

I Don’t Have Time To Learn Another Curriculum Program!

No one does friend, this isn't just another curriculum. This is the quickstart you need to use the curriculum you've been given! Actionable tools, and steps to calm your chaos and create a child led, play-based plan using your canned curriculum.

What is the Daily Commitment, I Don’t Have a Lot of Extra Time?

Well… you shouldn’t be spending all your waking hours in any classroom or planning for the next step (unless that’s what you really want to do). Teacher burnout is real and this challenge is all about combating burnout, stress levels, and challenging student behaviors. plus actionable steps to move you forward.

What Will I Need To Get Started?

Nothing, other than a way to write some things down, either digitally or physically, plus your required standards or topics. we are going to work through the challenge while planning and restructuring what you already have or getting clear on your ideas and what the children might need from the start.

I Am Starting From ZERO. I Have No Budget!

The challenge works for you no matter what level you’re at because it’s about transforming your teaching style, lessons, and ideas about the way children learn.

Thank you for this! So useful and complete!

Excellent and comprehensive resource for pacing and planning a curriculum.

I loved this--it was perfect for helping me plan.







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